LOG IN  Datenrettung, Datenwiederherstellung | DATARECOVERYRécuperation des donées, restauration des donées | DATARECOVERYZáchrana dat, obnova dat | DATARECOVERYZáchrana dát, obnova dát | DATARECOVERYAdatmentés, adatvissza | DATARECOVERYRecuperare de date, salvare de date | DATARECOVERYRikuperimi i të dhënave, shpëtimi i të dhënave | DATARECOVERYВосстановление данных, спасение данных | DATARECOVERY


Next chapter: Data Protection and Safety
DATARECOVERY Ltd. is a private company with both a long tradition and the latest know-how, specialized in data recovery from digital media. The history of DATARECOVERY dates from 1991, when we first applied our experience with data processing toward the recovery of digital data. Subsequently, the growing demand for such ability led to the commitment of our services to data analysis, processing and recovery.
Data recovery, data rescue: DATARECOVERYWith the development of our own technologies, and the acquisition and implementation of other, we became No. 1 on the local market with a growing international client base. We continue to add and develop new technologies and data-recovery consultancy services. We now offer the widest range of data-recovery services in Middle Europe from media and from operating and file systems.
It is not only our technical ability and know-how that distinguishes us, but also our commitment to excellence in client care. Our client base includes multinational companies, medium-sized businesses, public institutions, and individuals, who also receive the highest standards of dedication, efficiency, and integrity.
DATARECOVERY” is a registered trademark of DATARECOVERY, s.r.o., Petržílkova 1436/35, Prague 5. ID 27174719, CR C 101988, City Court Prague.
Contacts First aid
© DATARECOVERY. All rights reserved.
» Thank you for your excellent service. I can attest that you do first-class work. « D. Sanford, SSM, Western Digital
» [100%] result of recovering data which other companies were not able to recover... « R. Rahumägi, CTO, Quelle
Kaspersky Lab FlashRecovery: Data Recovery (Data Rescue) from USB Flash, SSD, memory cards
Záchrana dat, obnova dat - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Česky Data recovery, data rescue - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - English Daten Rettung, Daten Wiederherstellung - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Deutsch Восстановление данных, спасение информации - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Pусский Récupération de données - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Français Recuperación de datos - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Español Recupero Dati - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Italiano Záchrana dát, obnova dát - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Slovensky Odzyskiwanie danych - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Polski